Learn how to freeze apple cider and apple juice in this easy to follow tutorial. If you like enjoying homemade apple cider and apple juice all year round, freezing it is the easiest way to keep it on hand. Freezing is fast and doesn’t require any special equipment. There are several different ways to freeze your leftover apple cider. Learn which are the best ways and instructions on how to thaw and enjoy later. The best options and best methods really depend on how much leftover cider you have. So let’s dig in!

If you haven’t started making your juice yet, here you can find everything you need to know about how to make apple juice.
Differences between apple juice and apple cider
There is a difference between apple juice and apple cider. Typically apple juice is what you think of when you buy apple juice from the store. It has been processed, filtered, and pasteurized. Apple cider is fresh apple juice that has not been processed in these ways. Cider is also commonly served warm and mixed with spices. In the United States cider is generally non-alcoholic. But in other countries when they talk about cider, it is most likely alcoholic. You can freeze apple juice and apple cider the exact same way, but any hard ciders may not freeze due to their alcohol content. I would not recommend trying this. Throughout this article I will use apple juice and apple cider interchangeably. Just remember I am not talking about the hard cider or cider with alcohol . I’m talking about the non-alcoholic apple cider.
You can use this process for either homemade apple cider or store-bought juice you find at the grocery store.

With fresh apple juice or cider, you can add a splash of lemon juice to prevent it from discoloring during the freezing process. I would recommend adding the squeeze of lemon juice shortly after your juice is made, this will slow the oxidation process and keep your juice tasting fresh.
After your apple cider is made, keep refrigerated and enjoy or freeze within 24 hours for optimum freshness. It can last in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. However, you may notice some discoloration develop (see lemon juice note).
How to freeze apple cider and apple juice
Step 1 Allow juice or cider to cool and come to room temperature, if it was warmed prior to freezing.

Step 2 Choose your container
You have a wide variety of choices in plastic containers or glass. The freezer-safe container you choose will widely depend on the amount of juice you want to freeze and how much you want to thaw at a time. I will go over several different options. Whichever you choose, you’ll want it to be an airtight container.
Ice cube trays
If you have a small amount of juice, you can freeze it in an ice cube tray and transfer them into freezer bags.
Muffin pan
You can portion your juice out into muffin tins or silicone muffin pan liners and freeze single serving sizes. You would then pop them out of the muffin tin and freeze in freezer bags for future use. This is a great way to freeze your fresh apple cider if you have toddlers or kids that love homemade apple juice. You can take one or two out at a time to enjoy. This is a really easy way to freeze smaller portions.
Freezer bags
You can also freeze larger amounts of homemade cider in quart or gallon size freezer bags (ziploc bags). Fill bags about half way. Squeeze as much air out of the bags as possible and zip tight. Find a flat place in your freezer to lay the bag on and freeze. Laying your bags flat will help save space in your freezer if you don’t have a lot of space. Freezing these plastic bags flat will also allow for faster thawing for later use.
Plastic gallon jugs
You can freeze in clean gallon jugs. This is the best way to freeze your juice if you have large amounts. Leave a couple of inches at the top of your jugs for the apple juice to expand when it is freezing.
Glass jars
Another option is freezing your juice in glass jars. You will want to leave at least a couple of inches at the top of you jars for the juice to expand when freezing to avoid the glass from breaking.
Step 3 Label your containers
Don’t forget to label your container with what it is, the date and an expiration date.

How long does it take for apple cider to freeze?
Depending on which container you use, apple cider freezes in a couple of hours or up to 12 hours for the gallon jugs.
How long is apple cider and apple juice good for in the freezer?
For optimum freshness and the best flavor, I would recommend using frozen juice within 6 months. However, when frozen, the shelf life can be up to 18 months and beyond. According to food safety experts as long as items in your freezer are kept below 0 degrees Fahrenheit or below, they can be kept indefinitely. The longer your frozen cider is in the freezer the more susceptible it is to freezer burn. The best place for your juice is in a deep freezer.
How do you thaw the juice or cider?
Thaw your juice in cold water over several hours, or place in the refrigerator to thaw over 1-2 days, depending on the size of your container. Give your juice a good shake or stir before pouring a glass. If it was fresh cider, it may have sediments that need to be redistributed.
How long is thawed juice or cider good for in the fridge?
Ideally, you would consume your apple juice within 24 hours of thawing, but it can be good for 3-5 days.
Can you refreeze the apple juice?
No, I would not recommend refreezing your juice after thawing it out once.

Next time you have an abundance of extra fresh apples, make a big batch of cider! Freeze some to enjoy over the long Winter months. I like to rewarm mine with a cinnamon stick and a few spices. The best options and best methods really depend on how much leftover cider you have. My personal favorite way is the muffin pan method for smaller amounts and the glass jars for larger amounts. You can enjoy the benefits of juicing apples all year round! Not to mention the taste of fresh juice is seriously the best.
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