Welcome to Diary of a Midwest Mom, a place where I share easy whole food recipes that are toddler friendly, my favorite activities to inspire families to get outdoors, and our never ending DIY projects. I’m a mom of three littles with one in the thick of toddlerhood. I’ve lived in Wisconsin my whole life and although I’m still learning to enjoy the Winters, I love our little Midwest life here.

About Me
I’m a self proclaimed serial hobbyist -my husband can attest to that. I love the challenge of learning new things and making things. Sewing, embroidery, sourdough, making funny relatable mom reels on Instagram (check them out here) are just a few of the more recent hobbies I’ve enjoyed. As a matter of fact, I had even taught myself how to make balloon animals (or balloon art as I liked to call it). I became pretty decent at it too!
I’m a registered nurse working part time. I worked in labor in delivery for several years. I loved the job, but the hours were tough.

I’m most passionate about healthy living. I enjoy researching the best products for my family, making some of our personal care products, and cooking from scratch. We’ll be starting our backyard DIY projects this Spring. I’m super excited to make our space more usable for all 4 seasons!
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Follow along for my favorite toddler and kids recipes, from scratch cooking, family outdoor life, and DIY projects I dream up.